On Saturday September 21, 2024 between 0000 and 2359 UTC, listen for K3IEC on-the-air!  Club members will be operating a special event station on various bands and modes to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the club.

Watch this space for a special K3IEC QSL card for this event.

The event is posted in the Special Events column starting with the July, 2024 issue of QST – not in the actual QST Magazine, but on the ARRL.org website. 

The event is posted on Eham.net in their calendar.

The day of the event, watch the spots on Eham.net and My DX Summit  DXSummit.fi for current bands and modes.
Preliminary Info:   SSB 7.250, 14.300, 21.300, and 28.400
                                 CW TBD
                                 Digital TBD


See special event listings or watch the space for QSL info.
QSL:   Frank Mellott, 1010 Good Hope Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA  17050


Questions?  Please contact President@radioclub-carc.com


For more information about Field Day and another topics, follow the trail to



See ‘ya down the log.

Frank KB3PQT