Cumberland Amateur Radio Club NEWSLETTER   

Are you asking yourself — Is this the type of ham radio club for me?  Take a test drive.  Read our recent newsletters.  See what you think.


If you like what you see, we invite you to attend one of our meetings.  Perhaps you will consider becoming a Member.  Information about our meeting can be found by following the link that appears on the HOME page in the NEXT MEETING box.

The Newsletters posted here are an abbreviated version of our larger Monthly Newsletter and Meeting Agenda.   We usually publish the Newsletter here about a week before our meeting date which is the third Wednesday of the month — January through November.

Members of the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club are invited to visit our MEMBER AREA >> MEETING RECORDS where the complete Monthly Newsletter and Meeting Agenda is published.

Current Edition

Meeting Date:  May 15, 2024

Newsletter May 2024 [PDF]

link to the doc



Meeting Date:  April 17, 2024

Newsletter April 2024 [PDF]

link to the doc


Meeting Date:  March 20, 2024

 Newsletter March 2024 [PDF]

link to the doc

Special Edition

Month, Day, Year 

We occasionally publish a SPECIAL EDITION Newsletter.  At that time it will be posted here.


Placeholder — Ready on a moment’s notice.

link to the doc