SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES) September | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES) September | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club

  • Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated.  We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.

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SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES) September

September 13 @ 8:00 am - September 14 @ 7:59 pm EDT

SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES)

UTC Dates and Times
Begin:  Saturday September 13, 2025   at 1200Z
End:     Sunday    September 14, 2025   at  2359Z

This event repeats each month beginning on the second Saturday.  Operate up to 36 hours.

Event Website:


SKCC runs a monthly activity, which is a great environment for getting comfortable with contest-like CW QSOs.

The Weekend Sprintathon (WES) spans a weekend, each with a fun theme for collecting bonus points.
These events provide a great opportunity for those seeking various SKCC recognition levels, besides contacting friends old and new!

Typically, SKCC operators will QRS to the speed of the station calling them.



September 13 @ 8:00 am EDT
September 14 @ 7:59 pm EDT
Event Categories:
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General Delivery
Dillsburg, PA United States


SKCC – Straight Key Century Club
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