Cumberland Amateur Radio Club
- Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated. We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.
- We strive to share complete and accurate information with you.
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- This event has passed.
SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES) March
March 8 @ 7:00 am - March 9 @ 6:59 pm EST
SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES) March
UTC Dates and Times
Begin: Saturday March 08, 2025 at 1200Z
End: Sunday March 09, 2025 at 2359Z
This event repeats each month beginning on the second Saturday.
Operate up to 36 hours.
Each month the SKCC Weekend Sprintathon features one or more Bonus Stations. In SKCC jargon these stations are referred to as EGGs.
March 2024 theme — Bug and Sideswiper (Cootie) keys
This month the bonus involves Bug/Cootie keys.
Bonus points will be earned by contacting stations using a bug or sideswiper (cootie).
Stations using one of those keys should send name/bug (or name/b) or name/ss.
So, dust off the bugs and sideswipers, and make some QSOs.
NOTE: Our calendar entry shows the both the Start Time and the End Time as Eastern Standard Time.
However, the cut-over to Daylight Saving Time occurs during this March event. In that sense, the End Time should be given as Eastern Daylight Savings Time, but our calendar app does not support that concept.
End Time should be 7:59 p.m. Sunday March 10, 2024
If you use our UTC Dates and Times (on this page) you will be “right on track”.
SKCC runs a monthly activity, which is a great environment for getting comfortable with contest-like CW QSOs.
The Weekend Sprintathon (WES) spans a weekend, each with a fun theme for collecting bonus points.
These events provide a great opportunity for those seeking various SKCC recognition levels, besides contacting friends old and new!
Typically, SKCC operators will QRS to the speed of the station calling them.