Events | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club Events | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club

  • Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated.  We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.

  • We strive to share complete and accurate information with you.
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Missouri QSO Party

On-The-Air General Delivery, Dillsburg, PA, United States

Missouri QSO Party Note:  Our Calendar View does not represent the two-segment operating periods of this contest. The UTC Dates and Times, shown below, do represent the two separate time periods with an overnight gap. UTC Dates and Times Begin1:   April 05, 2025   at 1400Z End1:      April 06, 2025   at 0359Z (overnight gap) […]


Delmarva Radio and Electronics EXPO

Cheer Community Center 20520 Sand Hill Road, Georgetown, DE, United States

Delmarva Radio and Electronics EXPO ARRL Delaware State Convention Georgetown Hamfest     See you on April 26, 2025! Editor's Note:   I received official notification of a date change, as shown above. A different date had been announced earlier and then discovered to be very close to Easter.  Hence the change. Talk-In:  147.090 MHz   PL:  […]
