Events | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club Events | Cumberland Amateur Radio Club

  • Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated.  We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.

  • We strive to share complete and accurate information with you.
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On-The-Air General Delivery, Dillsburg

The 7th Call Area QSO Party -- 7QP Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Arizona. UTC Dates and Times: Begin:  Saturday  May 04, 2024  1300Z End:     Sunday  […]


Delaware QSO Party

On-The-Air General Delivery, Dillsburg

Delaware QSO Party UTC Dates and Times: Begin:  Saturday  May 04, 2024  1700Z End:     Sunday     May 05, 2024  2359Z   Three Counties -- How Easy Is That? NDE  […]


New England QSO Party

On-The-Air General Delivery, Dillsburg

The New England QSO Party -- NEQP Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.   Our Calendar View dates and times represent the overall Beginning and End of […]


Warminster PA Hamfest

Bucks County Community College -- Lower Bucks Campus 1304 Veteran's Hwy -- Route 413, Bristol

Warminster PA Hamfest and ARRL EPA Section Convention Sunday May 5, 2024   Rain or Shine   An ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest Talk-In 147.090 MHz +   Tone 131.8 Hz Talk-in 443.950 MHz […]


CARC Two-Meter Phone Net

146.490 MHz FM Simplex

CARC Members, Visitors and our Guests gather On-The-Air each Sunday Evening at 7 p.m. for general discussion in a somewhat informal net environment. Anyone can participate.  Everyone is invited.  Set […]
