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More Information About Advertising Image advert01

Advertising image self-promoting the use of the website to send Birthday Wishes.

Coming Soon…

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More Information About Advertising Image advert02

Advertising image self-promoting the use of the website to Buy, Sell, Trade, or Barter ham radio equipment.

Coming Soon…

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More Information About Advertising Image advert03

Advertising image self-promoting the use of the website to send Appreciation and Congratulation messages.

This is Andrew Forsyth, AF3I writing.

Tell me what you would like say in the attention-grabbing Banner Ad.
The Banner Ad is sized 220 x 180 pixels.  What you see is my basic layout.  If you would like something different, lets talk.
This More Info… area you are seeing right now is displayed when the User clicks on the ad.  This area can be as big as we mutually agree.

Promise me the money.
Make good on your promise.
How easy is that?

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More Information About Advertising Image advert04

Advertising image quoting Will Rogers. Text reads: You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that is where the fruit is.

An inspirational message brought to you by the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club.
You could advertise here, and on the front page of the CARC Meeting Agenda, for as little as $2 per month.
Contact Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.  email:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert05

Advertising image and text acting as a placeholder. Text reads: Coming Soon... More Info... Click Here.

Cumberland Amateur Radio Club will conduct its Field Day 2022 operations at Shaffer Park, 1649 Spring Road, Carlisle, PA.  Our Members will be on-site beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday June 25.  Members will continue their Field Day activity until Sunday June 26 about Noon.  Between those times visitors are invited to observe and learn about Amateur Radio.  We will show you how to make a two-way radio contact,
Contact Club President Frank Mellott, KB3PQT for information.  email:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert06

Advertising image promoting a Free Membership Offer for newly licensed ham radio operators.

A full calendar year of CARC Membership Benefits can be yours for $10.

We have a special offer for Super-Senior Amateur Radio Operators.  If you have achieved the milestone event of Age 90 or greater your CARC Membership dues will be waived.

Download the CARC Membership Application PDF

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More Information About Advertising Image advert07

Advertising image and text acting as a placeholder. Text reads: Coming Soon... More Info... Click Here.

I invite and encourage creativity in our Cumberland Amateur Radio Club.  Come join us if you wish.

Meeting information can be found in the EVENTS page.

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From The President’s Desk is a monthly article written by Frank Mellott, KB3PQT.
Frank shares his ideas of interesting things our reader can do with his or her ham radio station.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert10

Advertising image and inspirational text. Text reads: The only difference between an obstacle and an adventure is your attitude.

An inspirational message brought to you by the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club.
You could advertise here, and on the front page of the CARC Meeting Agenda, for as little as $2 per month.
Contact Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.   email:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert11

Advertising image and text. Image shows icons of plastic card payment networks. Text reads: CARC now accepts card payments using SQUARE. Chip, Stripe, Contactless, pay from our invoice.

CARC, through its Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth AF3I, now accepts electronic payments processed by Square.

If you would like to make a payment or a donation please see Andrew Forsyth.  For in-person payments we are equipped to securely process Chip Cards, Contactless Cards, and Magnetic Stripe Cards.  Or, if you wish to pay from the comfort of your own home we can generate an Square Invoice and eMail it to you for secure processing.

With Square and CARC there is no need for you to sign-up or have special accounts in those other payment processing apps.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert12

Advertising image and text. Self-promoting membership in the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club. Image is a bunch of bananas. Text reads: You are the member we are looking for. Come be part of our bunch.

CARC invites you to become a member of the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club.

There is an abundance of information about the club on our JOIN-US page — link to MEMBERSHIP.

If you have unanswered questions our Membership Secretary is at your service.  eMail questions to:

The HOME page has a Next Meeting block that will tell you about our upcoming meeting and links to additional details of the meeting agenda.  The THINGS-TO-DO page has a link to CALENDAR VIEW where you can find information about the many things we do.

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Free weekly, live, Amateur Radio Technician Class Licensing course on Zoom beginning Thursday September 05, 2024 and running weekly through Thursday October 17, 2024.

Seven Sessions.  Each session will start Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time and run for 3 hours.

Classes are sponsored by an experienced Instructor — Roland Anders, K3RA.


Register by sending your contact information via eMail to Roland Anders at:

Mr. Anders will reply with an enrollment confirmation, Zoom Meeting log-on credentials, and perhaps a course syllabus.  You may be asked to obtain a training guide (sometimes called a “License Manual”) prior to first training session.  I am sure Mr. Anders will describe any requirements to help ensure your success.

Thank you.

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Free weekly, live, Amateur Radio Extra Class Licensing course on Zoom beginning Thursday January 20, 2022 through Thursday March 31, 2022.

Eleven Sessions.  Each session will start Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time and run for 3 hours.

Classes are sponsored by the National Electronics Museum and presented by their experienced Instructor — Roland Anders, K3RA.

The museum:

The radio club:


Register by sending your contact information via eMail to Roland Anders at:

Participants should have the current version (12th Edition) of the ARRL Extra Class License Manual (available from ARRL and other booksellers).
ISBN 978-1-62594-131-1  or as a Kindle book.

Thank you.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert15

Advertising image and text. Self-promoting membership in the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club. Image of Mixed Vegetables. Text reads: You could be an important part of the mix. Join the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club.

Follow this link for information about the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club and how you can become a member.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert16

An advertising image and text message. Text reads: Question -- Will this ad work? Answer -- It just did !

You could advertise here, and on the front page of the CARC Meeting Agenda, for as little as $2 per month.
Contact Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert17

Advertising image and text. Text reads: If you rest, you rust. Stay Active. Visit THINGS-TO-DO for Ham Radio ideas.

An inspirational message urging our readers to Stay Active.  We have a Calendar of Events posted behind the THINGS-TO-DO menu selection.  You might find something of interest.  Enjoy.
Contact  Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert18

Advertising image and text. Self-promotional theme shows the ham radio Q-signal QRV followed by a question mark. This means ARE YOU READY? The corresponding answer is QRV meaning I AM READY.

Ham Radio Operators use Q-Signals as a communications shortcut.  Q-Signals originated among Morse Code operators because that is where the greatest time-saving benefit can be produced.  The use of Q-Signals has, in some cases, migrated into other modes of operation such as Phone (voice). 

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More Information About Advertising Image advert19

Lorem ipsum sit dolor.

Placeholder for #moreadvert19   Current functionality links to our Marketplace page and tag #ForSale1

If needed, contact Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert21

In preparation for the upcoming Field Day event we encourage fellow ham radio operators to use good operating practices. 
When sending your Field Day Exchange there is no need to begin the transmission with the words “Please Copy”. 

If you are the RUNNING station, say the other guy’s call sign and go right into sending your exchange.

If you are the SEARCH AND POUNCE station, acknowledge receiving the other guy’s exchange and go right into sending your exchange.

Contact Website Administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I for information.  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert22

Cumberland Amateur Radio Club, and its Past President Andrew Forsyth AF3I, are proud supporters of the Pennsylvania QSO Party.

The group efforts of our members resulted in being awarded this certificate as the High-Scoring entry in category:  2020 Portable Multi-Op, Low Power, York County.   Congratulations to our participants:   Frank KB3PQT, Doug KC3CPT, Dave W3VRE, Valli N8QVT, and Andrew AF3I

This annual event takes place in October.  Watch for us each year as K3IEC.


Contact Club President Frank Mellott, KB3PQT for information.  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advert23

Cumberland Amateur Radio Club (CARC) wants to be your local club, of choice.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the National Association of Amateur Radio.
You can learn more about the ARRL by visiting their website:

Your ARRL membership helps support the ARRL Contest Program – the world’s largest with
many different events from HF through microwave.  Along with your membership, you’ll get
free access to the National Contest Journal, the ARRL’s online archive of QST articles, and the
Technical Information Service.  Contesting builds skills and understanding – come join the fun!


ARRL members can access all four ARRL magazines online — QST, On the Air, NCJ, and QEX .

QST, the monthly membership journal;

On the Air, ARRL’s new bimonthly publication for beginner and intermediate hams;

NCJ – the National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA Sprint and QSO Parties;

QEX – A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects, columns and other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

Most CARC members are also members of the ARRL. 
If you are undecided about joining the ARRL, ask almost any CARC Member about the benefits of ARRL membership.

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With his newest article, ANTENNA TOPICS — SWR, Frank has achieved a significant milestone in Amateur Radio Knowledge Sharing.

CARC is proud to present Frank with this How Do I… Century Club Award.  Congratulations, Frank ! 


If you would like to write for the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club please contact Club President Frank Mellott, KB3PQT.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert26

If you ever wondered about those Advertising Sliders at the top of the CARC Home Page you came to the right place.

The slider images move every 15 seconds.  You probably can take in the entire on-screen message during that time.
If you need a little bit longer to read our message simply hover your pointing device over the image and the slider will stop.

Some of the slider images contain links to expanded descriptions, similar to this More Information block. 
Click on the slider image and you will be taken to the More Information area for that specific slider image.
When finished, click on the Return to TOP of this page link and you will be taken back to the screen from which you started.

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More Information About Advertising Image advert27

Cumberland Amateur Radio Club invites its members and anyone else within range to participate in our weekly VHF Digital Net.
The net serves as a training and practice area for the use of digital modes as well as a social gathering place where participants can chat.

We use PC-based sound card technology and application software such as FLDigi along with our Two Meter FM Transceivers.

The Net Control Station will enable Reed-Solomon TxID in his/her transmission.  If your digital mode app supports Reed-Solomon RSID please turn on RxID.  Using this feature may help you identify which of the several Op Modes we are using in a particular net session. 
For more information about Reed-Solomon identification please visit this URL:

Start Time is 6:00 p.m.   End Time is about 6:30 p.m. so that we can clear the frequency in preparation for the weekly Two Meter Phone Net that begins at 7:00 p.m.

For more information about the CARC VHF Digital Net  eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advRYG_G

An advertising image that announces how ROUTINE INFO will be shared by clicking on the image and linking to a page on this website.


If we need to call attention to an important piece of ROUTINE INFORMATION we will update the image and provide descriptive text here.

If you have questions, eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advRYG_Y

An advertising image that announces how ALERT information will be shared by clicking on the image and linking to a page on this website.

YELLOW background = ALERT

If we need to call attention to an important ALERT we will update the image and provide descriptive text here.

If you have questions, eMail:

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More Information About Advertising Image advRYG_R

An advertising image that announces how WARNING information will be shared by clicking on the image and linking to a page on this website.

RED background = WARNING

If we need to call attention to an important WARNING we will update the image and provide descriptive text here.

If you have questions, eMail:

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