Shortcuts to our Newest Content

There is no need to drill-down through dozens of pages on this site.
Here are shortcuts to the most recently added or updated content.

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July 13, 2024

Know-How Resources; Awards

POTA Standings Report Process

The Cumberland Amateur Radio Club encourages participation in the Parks On The Air program and takes interest in the progress being made by its members.  This article documents our process of collecting and reporting their progress.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 01, 2024

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station 

Powerwerx Watt Meter

Sometimes you just need a diagnostic test meter in your Go Box.  Our author shares his good results from using a Powerwerx Watt Meter.


Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 20, 2024

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio License

Renewing My FCC License

Renewing your FCC Amateur Radio License requires you to have an up-to-date account in the FCC CORES system and the FCC LICENSE MANAGER system.  This article provides step-by-step procedures for getting the job done.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 11, 2024

Know-How Resources; Contesting

Daisy Chain Two N3FJP Contest Logs

Busy contest weekend?  Are you attempting to participate in two or more contests using N3FJP logging apps? 
Here is the way to keep your logs separate.


Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 11, 2024

Know-How Resources; Contesting

Betty Botter Bitter Butter

Can you sit in front of your ham radio rig for eight hours working other stations in a Phone Contest?  If not, you may need to take a lesson from an Auctioneer.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 03, 2024

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

Yaesu FTdx10 Initial Thoughts

First hand observations and initial thoughts from a verified owner of a Yaesu FTdx10 transceiver.


Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 02, 2024

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

Giving Back via EMCOMM

The Amateur Radio Service has some of its earliest roots in providing Emergency Communications.  We still do that.  In some cases we work in partnership with other organizations.  Learn how we collaborate. 

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 03, 2023

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode, Digital Modes, Sound Card Based

Olivia Digital Mode

This is an update version of content originally posted in February 2020.  The Olivia suggested frequencies have been updated as well as references to the Olivia site and the ARRL HF Digital Modes book, now in its Third Edition (2022).

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 06, 2023

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Station

QRZ dot com

Cogito, ergo sum.  If Rene Descartes was a ham radio operator he would feel right at home after reading this article.  Taking liberties with the philosopher’s dictum: “My call sign is in the QRZ dot com database. Therefore, I am.”  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 04, 2023

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Station

Sending DX QSL Cards via the Bureau

Here you will find a few paragraphs explaining the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 04, 2023

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Station

Receiving DX QSL Cards via the Bureau

Here you will find a few paragraphs explaining the Incoming QSL Bureau with some added focus on the Third Call Area Incoming QSL Bureau.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 20, 2023

Know-How Resources; Salmagundi

CARC Logo Patch Instructions

For years we did without having a logo on our safety vests.  Recently we found a supplier of iron-on patches.  We are racing against the clock to get the logo patches in place on the vests prior to our next big Public Service Event.   Here’s how that gets done.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 08, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Hunter Tricks and Tips

Our author has accumulated so many insights as a POTA Hunter that he might burst unless he can share his tips with you.  Please read his article or cover yourself with something waterproof  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 01, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

Alaska Counties

There are no counties in Alaska.  Some people use the four Judicial Districts as substitutes.  Some people use the Alaskan Boroughs as substitutes.  This article will share insights with our readers.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Sept. 25, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

The OMISS Nets

The Old Man International Sideband Society is not all about Old Men.  They welcome YLs as well.  Read the article and then give the net a try.  You might find something you like.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Sept. 24, 2023

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

ICOM 746 Pro RF PWR Knob

It is a rainy day — sort of a No News day.  Let’s see if we can help a fellow ham radio operator solve a problem affecting his use of a thirty-year old vintage transceiver.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Sept. 17, 2023

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

N3FJP Logger More Tools and Tricks

This article mentions POTA only once  The title doesn’t include POTA at all.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Sept. 13, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Activation Planning

A bit of planning your POTA Activation goes a long way toward ensuring a successful event.  Our author shares his thoughts regarding comfort and safety.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Sept. 04, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Tips and Tricks

Did you think we published every possible article on the topic of POTA?  Wrong!  Here is one more article containing fifteen tips and tricks you can use when setting up your POTA event.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 28, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Logging with HAMRS

Our author seems to have a case of everything POTA.  Today’s article introduces HAMRS as a convenient logging app for portable operations.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 25, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Post Event LOTW Station Loc.

Our author is very big when it comes to Parks On The Air (POTA).  He shows us how to create a Station Location entry in your Logbook Of The World profile.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 24, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

POTA Post Event ADIF Log Upload

Our author is very big when it comes to Parks On The Air (POTA).  He shows us how to export an ADIF file from N3FJP and upload that file to the POTA website.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 21, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

How Do I… POTA Paper Logging

Sometimes there is no room for a logging PC when heading out for a POTA Session.  Here is a General Purpose POTA Log Sheet and instructions for its use.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 24, 2023

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Station

How Do I… Battery Box for HF Portable

It is good to get outside.  Bring your battery.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 08, 2023

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

How Do I… Chameleon LEFS 8010 Antenna

LEFS says it all.  Light Weight End Fed Sloper.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 08, 2023

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

How Do I… MPAS 2.0 Follow-up

It is good to get outside.  Bring your antenna.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 08, 2023

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

How Do I… PSK31

A look at the original computer sound card mode for HF.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 03, 2023

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

How Do I… Bandpass Filters

Did your Field Day stations interfere with each other?  Maybe you need some bandpass filters.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 23, 2023

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

What is Winlink?

Winlink Express is an eMail client that works nicely with Amateur Radio systems.  Send and Receive email to/from places that have no Internet connection.

PDF copies of slides from a recent Powerpoint presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 04, 2023

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

How Do I… Ultraportable Echolink

When your busy schedule does not permit you to sit in front of your rig consider installing the Echolink app on your Smartphone.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

April 18, 2023

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

How Do I… Call Books

A collection of interesting facts and observations of how lists of amateur radio call signs and catalogs of railroad rolling stock have similarities.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

February 12, 2023

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Radio Station

How Do I… Parks On The Air – Part 1

Our author has taken a liking to the Parks On The Air program.  He went so far as to register for POTA Account and shares the process with you as a step-by-step guide.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 01, 2022

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

How Do I… What’s in that book?

Our #1 Author is particularly fond of the great outdoors.  He lives to take his transceiver outdoors and make contacts from exotic places such as Sideling Hill and Shippensburg.  He goes nowhere without his book.  Read and you will know why.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 15, 2022

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

How Do I… Desk Microphone Straw Poll

Results and commentary of a recently published Microphone Performance Straw Poll.  The winner is… (follow the link and read the whole story).

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 05, 2022

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

Portable Operating Essentials

Enjoy the outdoors.  It is a great place to operate your radio.  Bring along a few essential items such as bandages and brownies.  For daytime outings bring sunscreen.  For nighttime outings bring a flashlight.  Using a polarity tester is a great way to keep the smoke INSIDE your radio where it belongs.  Don’t let the smoke get out!

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 20, 2022

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

How Do I… Make Your Own QSL Cards

A bit of background information about essential QSL card information.  And, our author describes some Do-It-Yourself QSL Card Design and Printing applications.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 08, 2022

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Station

Some Favorite Things

Did someone say… Top Ten List ?  Perhaps you can make-do with just eight accessories that hams find to be essential in their tool box or ham radio room.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

April 13, 2022

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

How Do I… Club Log and N3FJP

Our Author refreshed his popular document that explains many features provided by the CLUB LOG website and database.  The new version delivers 11 pages of content — six more than the original document.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

April 18, 2022

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

Setting Up Logbook of The World — LoTW

Our author collected thirteen pages of step-by-step instructions introducing and explaining how you can sign-up with the ARRL Logbook of The World (LOTW). 

If you have been  awaiting the New And Improved LoTW Sign-Up Procedure you might choose to read this How Do I… article instead.

Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 28, 2022

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

How Do I… MPAS 2.0 Antenna Update

Our author offers some new perspectives on the Chameleon MPAS 2.0 Portable Antenna.  This recent article builds upon information published in our Antenna Clinic PowerPoint presentation which is posted in the Know-How Resources; Other Documents You May Enjoy Reading web page.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

February 28, 2022

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

N3FJP Amateur Contact Log Special Operations

Suppose you volunteered to operate a Special Event Station on behalf of your Club.  Wondering how to set up the logging application for the 1×1 Special Event call sign? 
Here are some tips.   Part of the How Do I… family of articles.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

February 07, 2022

Know-How Resources; Contesting

How Do I… N3FJP Contest Logs

Follow along as we guide our friend, Adventurous Learner, or AL as we call him, through the process of installing, configuring, and using the N3FJP contest logging app in the Minnesota QSO Party.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

January 31, 2022

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the
Technical Side

FTDX-1200 Advanced CAT Control

If you are the type of person who loves technical details and screen snapshots and then this is the How Do I… article for you.  It helps if you have a Yaesu FTDX-1200 transceiver, but big parts of the content can be applied to other radios.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

January 31, 2022

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

Yaesu FTDX-1200 CAT Control

This is what you need to know when setting out to connect your Yaesu FTDX-1200 transceiver with WSJT-X, N3FJP, and FLRIG application software.  Updated content.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 05, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Radio Roundup 2021 

Like a youngster on the loose in a toy store, our author got all ga-ga when a copy of the new ham radio catalog showed up in his mailbox a few days ago.  In this How Do I… article, Frank/KB3PQT talks about what major manufacturers have on the market these days.  His report covers HF Rigs, VHF/UHF Mobile Rigs, and Handheld Radios.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 28, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode; Digital Radio DMR

How Do I… DMR Hot Spots

Our author poses two interesting questions to get this article off to a good start.  1.)  What is a DMR Hot Spot?     2.)  Do I Need One?   

If you read the article you will soon know the answers.  Enjoy.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 22, 2021

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio License

Getting A FCC Registration Number (FRN)

The FCC has taken steps to upgrade its data processing systems.  You almost certainly will be affected by this update.  Read about updating your information in the FCC CORES system and in the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS).  If you are new to the hobby and planning to sit for a license exam you will need to obtain an FRN.  Read on…

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 16, 2021

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

How Do I… Repeaters

We have some new information describing how communicating via VHF and UHF repeaters can be an interesting part of your ham radio hobby.  Our Author provides a practical example of how you can use the built-in repeater functionality that some popular radios provide.

This is Good Reading!  I think you will agree.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 07, 2021

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio License

GMRS, FRS, CB – Pathways to Amateur Radio

If you enjoy using one of the other radio services mentioned in the headline we think you might find that an Amateur Radio license opens a whole world of radio hobby possibilities.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

September 26, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode, Digital Radio

Alinco DJ-MD5   Progress Report

Earlier this year (May 2021) our Author wrote about his experience unboxing his new Alinco DMR radio.  Since then about four months have passed and he offers this audience a Progress Report.  Read about his progress.

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September 22, 2021

Join Us; Newsletter

CARC Newsletter

We recently restructured our Monthly Newsletter and Meeting Agenda documents so that the Newsletter content could easily be separated from the Meeting Agenda content.  Now we are able to  freely share our Newsletter with a public audience while keeping the Meeting Agenda in-house.

We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

September 20, 2021

Know-How Resources; Other Documents You May Enjoy

Fun with Antennas

Talking Point slides from a recent Antenna Clinic Workshop presented to CARC Members.  Learn about Portable and Stealth antennas from a CARC Member who spends a lot of time operating under portable conditions.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 31, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Amateur Radio Station

Antenna Topics — Gain

Gain.  (Not the laundry detergent.)  What It Is, and Why It Matters.  Upon completion, you will know the difference between dBd and dBi.  Extra credit to anyone who can use those terms in a sentence.

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 28, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Antenna Topics — SWR

SWR — Standing Wave Ratio.  What It Is, and Why It Matters.

Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 22, 2021

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Amateur Radio Station

Replacing a Microphone Cable

Do you have a favorite mobile radio whose microphone cable has seen better days?   Don’t give up on the radio.  Replace the cable!

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 19, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Introduction to Antenna Analyzers

If you don’t have an antenna analyzer do you really need one?.  If you do have an antenna analyzer do you know all that it can do for you?  Is there an upgrade in your future?  How Do I… author Frank shares his perspective with our readers.  You can be one of them.  Enjoy!

Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 10, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Amateur Radio Station

Build your own HT Charging Station

Got multiple HTs?  Always looking for charging cables or docks?   Corral them with this easy to build it yourself HT charging station!

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 04, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Selecting Coax Cable

A look at coax cable, what it is, what it does and how to choose the best for your application.  Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 26, 2021

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

VHF — Fun with Two Meter FM Simplex

Our author shares a few thoughts about making contacts on Two Meters, without using a repeater.  FM Simplex is the name of this method of communications.  You can do it.
Click the link to read how easy it can be.

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 12, 2021

Know-How Resources; General Interest Files

What is a Rail Fan ?

Our author relives the story of how he became a Rail Fan.  Beginning as a child in Altoona, Johnstown and Chambersburg, PA, progressing through the HO train set phase, and continuing to the present with two hobbies (Ham Radio and Rail Fan) intertwined.  
Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 04, 2021

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio Station

Enter your eMail address at the FCC ULS

Have you put some thought into getting your eMail address into your FCC Universal Licensing System profile?  Recent changes at the FCC means  that information is required.  Missing or an invalid eMail address could result in cancellation of your license.  This article provides step-by-steps instructions on how to get it done.

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 01, 2021

Know-How Resources; Contesting

Fun with N3FJP Field Day Log

After spending the weekend immersed in ARRL Field Day operations, our author has a few tips to share with our reading audience.   
Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 29, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Computer Cables

When was the last time you tried to operate your ham radio without using a computer?  Our author has a few thoughts to share on the topic of USB interfaces, USB-To-Serial Adapters, and the characteristics that make for a reliable, trouble-free cable.

Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 25, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode (Digital Radio)

DMR Roundtable

Three experienced CARC members talk a fourth member through the initial steps of getting ready to use his DMR radio.  You are invited to “eavesdrop” on their conversation.   Part of the How Do I... series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 25, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode (Digital Radio)

DMR Adventures — Getting Started

Welcome to the ham radio world of Digital Radio.  This introductory article builds a foundation for what we expect will be a series covering a wide range of digital radio topics .  Part of the How Do I… series.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 24, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode (Digital Radio)

Central PA DMR Repeaters

CARC Member Steve, N3FWE has provided a list of DMR Repeaters accessible in Central PA and asked that the list be freely shared with our website audience.  The document also includes a listing of DMR Talk Groups.   Steve’s wish is my command.  Please enjoy.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 23, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode (Digital Radio)

How Do I… Unboxing an Alinco DJ-MD5

Our author was on the receiving end of a parcel delivery.  Inside the shipping carton was a brand-new Alinco DJ-MD5 Dual-Band DMR transceiver and its standard accessories.  Read all the details by following our convenient link.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 21, 2021

Know-How Resources; Managing Your Radio Station

A Look at Club Log 

In this How Do I… article you will see how Frank/KB3PQT uploads information from his N3FJP Amateur Contact Log to the Club Log website.  Club Log crunches the data and presents database views showing what the DX’er wants to know — Where do I stand with my DXCC award, which countries have I worked, and which countries have been confirmed, is there anyone I’ve worked who still owes me a QSL card?. 

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 02, 2021

Know-How Resources; Radio a la Mode (Digital Modes)

How Do I… Install EchoLink

This article presents an Overview as well as Step-By-Step Installation and Configuration Procedures for the licensed ham radio operator who wishes to set up and use EchoLink in the Individual Computer Operator mode of operation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

April 25, 2021

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Antenna Discussion… 

In this How Do I… article, Frank/KB3PQT introduces the reader to his ham radio friend “AL”.  Frank and “AL” have been dealing with building an HF station for “AL” to go with his recently earned General Class license.  It turns out that “AL” does not have enough trees in the right places to let him erect an array of HF dipole antennas.    What is a man to do?    Frank tells us.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

February 21, 2021

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio License

The FCC and Code of Federal Regulations
CFR Title 47 Telecommunications,  Part 97

Let’s imagine that you are asked to research FCC Regulations that deal with Amateur Radio.  Would you know how and where to get started?  After reading this article in our How Do I…? series you will know your way around the Code of Federal Regulations.  And, you will be on your way to CFR Title 47, Part 97 faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

mm dd, yyyy




Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 26, 2020

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

Yaesu FT-991-A Digital Settings

Captured in one place and presented as an authoritative reference for those who wish to configure a Yaesu FT-991-A transceiver to operate using the popular digital modes.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 23, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

Straight Key Century Club… 

Our author credits the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) with helping him develop his Morse Code skills and build on-the-air confidence to use Morse Code as part of the hobby.  Read what he says and soon you will be saying  “Yes, CW is for me!”  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 21, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station


You did a good job getting through the acronyms CW, SSB, AM, FM, RTTY, SSTV, and FT8.  If you are really brave, try your hands at these.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

December 15, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

N3FJP Amateur Contact Log API… 

Today’s author discovered some powerful functionality that leverages the Rig Interface and permits sharing what he had previously configured in the AC Log application with any of the N3FJP Contest Logging applications.  There is no need to reinvent the wheel when you put this API to work in your station.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 30, 2020

Know-How Resources; General Interest Files

Central PA Railroad Frequencies — Updated

Written by a big fan of ham radio who is an equally big fan of railroad operations.  One hobby feeds the other. Here you will find a wealth of information about the Central Pennsylvania VHF frequencies that are in use.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 30, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

Some of My Favorite Things… 

Our author shares his ideas relating to aftermarket accessories for VHF and VHF/UHF handheld transceivers.  He tells us about Programming Software and Cables, Protective Carrying Pouches, Whip Antenna Replacements for the standard Rubber Duck, and Handheld Speaker Microphones.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 18, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

CW Operations — Getting Up To Speed

Becoming a good CW Operator involves more than learning the dits and dahs that make up the morse code letters and numbers.  CW Operators have their own abbreviations and shortcuts that enable them to squeeze some time out of a morse code transmission that might otherwise be considered slow-paced.  

Soon you will be saying: “YES, CW is for ME!”

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 18, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

CW Operations — Are You Talking To Me? 

Voice communications via Ham Radio comes naturally to many people.  Have you ever wondered what it takes for a ham radio operator to learn the ways and means of carrying-on a Morse Code conversation?   Our author provides insights and helpful tips for overcoming the barriers to success.

Soon you will be saying:  “Yes, CW is for ME!”

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 18, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

ICOM IC-7300 Manual Key Settings

It is a great day when a new author steps forward and provides new content for this web site.  We welcome John WA3KCP who wrote a great article describing the steps he performed after becoming the proud owner of an ICOM IC-7300 HF Transceiver.  John is a brass-pounder (CW Operator) and shares his insight with us.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 18, 2020

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Radio Roundup 2020 

Like a young kid on the loose in a toy store, our author got all ga-ga when a copy of the new ham radio catalog showed up in his mailbox a few days ago.  In this How Do I… article, Frank/KB3PQT talks about what major manufacturers have on the market these days.  His report covers HF Rigs, VHF/UHF Mobile Rigs, and Handheld Radios.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

November 11, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

When To Log A WSJT-X Digital QSO

If someone tries really hard he or she can make even the simplest activity difficult.  Some hams decline to log a WSJT-X Digital QSO unless the other guy sends “73” at the end.  Our Author scoured the Internet looking for opinions and facts describing what constitutes a valid WSJT-X digital QSO.  He presents the facts.  Aren’t you glad you visited this page?  Don’t you wish everyone did?

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 24, 2020

Know-How Resources; Moving Up The Technical Side

SSTV – What Happened? 

Imagine the excitement you would feel if you received Slow-Scan Television images  via Amateur Radio from the International Space Station (ISS) as it passed over your home.  Our author shows screen snap-shot photos of images he recently received.  The good images speak for themselves.  Read a few tips which help explain how and why the images sometimes show room for improvement.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 21, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Amateur Radio Station

The Well Read Ham

Our author and our Editor have a particular fondness for books.  The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) publishes more books than Carter has pills.  (Only old hams know what that means.)  Please take a look at the recommended reference books described in the accompanying document.  You may find something that piques your interest.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

October 20, 2020

Know-How Resources; General Interest Files

Lurgan Branch, Leidigh Park  & Cleversburg Jct

Our #1 Rail Fan, Frank Mellott, tells about train movements along the Lurgan Branch near Boiling Springs, PA and Shippensburg, PA.  Frank shares his insights regarding the best camera angles.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

September 28, 2020

Know-How Resources; Contesting

RTTY Software and Contesting

Our author was forced to make a tough decision between spending a beautiful First-Weekend-of-Fall outdoors, or spending time indoors exploring and comparing the features and operation of several popular RTTY sound-card based applications.  Indoors won.  Click the link to read why that was a good choice.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

September 11, 2020

Know-How Resources; Contesting

Working the Pennsylvania QSO Party 

This is an updated version of a presentation written by K3SWZ and taught to CARC Members in preparation for their record breaking performance in PA QP 2019.  The updates are indicated by the phrase  “Ed. Note:”  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

September 03, 2020

Know-How Resources; Contesting

N3FJP TAB Sends Message

A lot of us use N3FJP contest logging software because it does a good job and provides the essential features that a contest operator needs in order to be competitive. 
The TAB Sends Message feature is one of the little-known treasures among the bounty that Scott and his team provides.  This article provides some insight for how you can configure and use this feature in your station.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 21, 2020

Know-How Resources; Your Amateur Radio License

Behind the Magic Curtain 

Our main author worked his fingers to the bone as he typed long into the night and shared his insights as to who, what, and how the many pieces of a Volunteer Exam Session come together for a successful event.  Read and you will learn how Seven is the New Three.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 08, 2020

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Radio Station

Computer Tips 

Our favorite author freely admits to having used DOS as a PC Operating System.  He shares ideas and techniques about getting and keeping applications working together in harmony when they reside on the same PC.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 06, 2020

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

Fun With VHF – Headsets VHF Mobile

A breakthrough discovery revealed that it is actually possible to interface a Heil BM-10 Headset with a VHF Mobile Rig despite search results that said no such interface cable exists.  Ha — our man showed them!

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

August 04, 2020

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

Fun With VHF – DMR 

Information about Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) as well as great links to sites where recognized experts present their content on this topic.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 26, 2020

Know-How Resources; Moving Up on the Technical Side

Fun With VHF – FM Digital Modes

Our hyper-active author has written a series of articles describing the FM Digital Modes D-STAR, NXDN, and SYSTEM FUSION.  If you have a growing interest in VHF FM Digital Modes there are the articles you should read.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 22, 2020

News (Blog Posting); Contesting

Practice Makes Perfect

A few general thoughts about Radio Sport Contesting and some details that are specific to the upcoming Maryland – DC QSO Party scheduled for August 8, 2020.  Four pages.  A nice quick read.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

July 18, 2020

Know-How Resources; Equipment Reviews

Comet 9-Band Telescopic Antenna

Written by a big fan of ham radio portable operation, this article introduces the Comet HFJ-350M Telescopic Antenna and tells why you may wish you had one in your GO Bag.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

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Know-How Resources; Placeholder



Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 22, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

FM Repeaters

A handful of helpful tips for the ham who may be new to the hobby.  How to get on-the-air using FM Repeaters in the VHF and/or UHF bands.  Read more…

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

June 07, 2020

Know-How Resources; Operating Your Station

Tower of Babel — IRLP and EchoLink

Diagrams and text narrative describing how modern PC and mobile app technology extends Amateur Radio into areas previously unknown to the average operator..

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

May 22, 2020

Know-How Resources; Setting Up Your Station

The ICOM 718… a classic transceiver

Your entry into the world of HF Ham Radio.  This classic transceiver offers the features that entry-level ham most want, and at a readily affordable price.  Read more…

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

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News; Placeholder



Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 29, 2020

News; Notes From The Shack

Memory Aids for Call Signs

Sometimes a call sign reveals powerful insights about the Operator of the station.  Sometimes a call sign is nothing more than letters and numbers.  You be the Judge.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

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News; Notes From The Shack



Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

March 9, 2020

Know-How Resources; Other Documents You May Enjoy

Zoom Web Meeting

A few simple steps will enable you and your PC to join the CARC Zoom Web Meeting.  Great for Snow Birds.

Image is a photograph of green plastic army men toys positioned as if they are about to go into battle.

March 9, 2020

News; Notes From The Shack

Share The Airwaves

You can learn a lot from green plastic army men.  Personal reflections on the state of our Ham Radio hobby.  

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

February 27, 2020

News; Notes From The Shack


Some humorous thoughts about digital modes, FLDIGI, and JTALERT by Guest Author N6DBF..

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

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Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

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Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day, Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day, Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day, Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.


Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

Stock Photo. Purely Decorative.

Month Day Year


Title of the Presentation

A short description of the presentation.

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